Telescopic Portable Rod
ืชืืืืจ ืงืฆืจ
Experience convenient angling with the Telescopic Portable Fishing Rod. Designed for ease of transport, this telescopic rod offers compact storage and hassle-free setup. Whether you're on the go or limited on space, enjoy versatile fishing opportunities. Elevate your angling convenience by adding the Telescopic Portable Fishing Rod to your gear collection for on-the-spot fishing adventures.
ืกืื ืืืืฆืจ: Fishing Rods
ืืง"ื: FC986712
fishing ,
fishing&camping ,
ืึดืฉืืงึธื: 0.55 kg
ืืึนืึตืจ: Angler
ืื ื ืืชื ืืื ืืืขืื ืืช ืืืื ืืช ืืืืกืืฃ
ืืืกืืฃ ืืืื ื-232 West 8th Street, Coffeyville Kansas 67337, United States
Usually ready in 24 hours